769th SUCS Meeting – 94th AGM and Presidential Address – School of Chemistry 769th SUCS Meeting – 94th AGM and Presidential Address – School of Chemistry

769th SUCS Meeting – 94th AGM and Presidential Address

769th SUCS Meeting – 94th AGM and Presidential Address

Friday November 24th, 11 am, Lecture Theatre 2


We will be recapping the year and voting in the new committee, followed by an address by the SUCS president.


Life after a PhD: The light you see at the end of the tunnel…

Yu Heng Lau


Finding employment after years of university study can be a daunting experience.

A PhD teaches you many of the skills you need in the workforce, but it can be challenging to learn how to communicate that to a recruiter. On top of that, there are so many potential but nebulous career options after a PhD in Chemistry that it can be hard to grasp where the next concrete steps lie for anything beyond a postdoc.

The 2023 SUCS seminar program was designed to feature five scientists who have graduated from a PhD in Australia to make an impact with their careers in divergent ways – government, communication, self-employment, creative design, alongside academic endeavours. Continuing this theme, I will discuss their career paths and other examples, as a step towards demystifying what the job market looks like for a freshly minted chemistry graduate.


Nov 24 2023


11:00 am - 12:00 pm


Chemistry Lecture Theatre 2

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