School Seminar: Dr Hassan Khosravi; University of Queensland – School of Chemistry School Seminar: Dr Hassan Khosravi; University of Queensland – School of Chemistry

School Seminar: Dr Hassan Khosravi; University of Queensland

Wednesday, 15 September 11:00am – 12:00pm

This seminar will be delivered via Zoom – Please email for zoom link and password.

Speaker: Dr Hassan Khosravi; University of Queensland

Host: Dr Shane Wilkinson


Title: Adaptive Learning Meets Crowdsourcing: Reflections and Lessons Learned from the Development of a Learner-sourced Adaptive Educational System

Abstract: Adaptive educational systems (AES) dynamically adapt instruction, learning content, and activities to suit students’ individual abilities or preferences. To effectively personalise the learning needs of individual students, an AES requires access to a large repository of learning resources. These resources are commonly created by domain experts, which makes AESs expensive to develop and challenging to scale across different domains. In this presentation, I will share our experience in the development and dissemination of an AES, called RiPPLE  where the learning resources are co-created in partnership with students. Reflecting on data collected while running RiPPLE in over 100 course offerings with over 30,000 co-created resources by over 20,000 students, I examine how the platform may have amplified student engagement through resource creation and analyse how the number of interactions with the platform may have enhanced learning opportunities. Furthermore, I will draw on data collected by the system on self and peer assessment activities to investigate whether students can provide ‘expertise’ in disciplinary areas and what impact this may have on academic workload planning and cost-saving efforts. Finally, I hope to facilitate a discussion on the potential idea of ethical use and application of students-as-partners initiatives to support and sustain future-ready higher education models.


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