School Seminar: Dr Jacek Kolanowski; Polish Academy of Sciences
Friday, 1 April 11:00am – 12:00pm
This seminar will be delivered in Chemistry Lecture Theatre 4 and Online Zoom Please email for zoom link and password.
Speaker: Dr Jacek Kolanowski; Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences
Host: Prof. Liz New
Title: High-throughput and high-content methodologies for chemical biology
Abstract: In complex biological systems containing large numbers of variables and elements, it is critical to monitor the presence, location and temporal characteristics of more than one component simultaneously. Thanks to the dynamic advancement of instrumentation, previously unattainable information can now be gleaned more and more precisely. To seize this opportunity, it is critical to develop new tools and methodologies that will push the boundaries of what can be achieved with new technologies in chemical biology.
During this seminar I will present a wide spectrum of active and developing research infrastructures at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry (Polish Academy of Science) – a leading interdisciplinary research and academic centre at the interface of chemistry, biology and IT. This includes, among others, an autonomous, high-throughput proprietary AGAMEDETM platform and the development of multiparametric, high-content assays for deciphering of mechanism of action of bioactive molecules. I will also highlight the use of a new generation super resolution fluorescent MINFLUX microscope enabling high-content analysis of biological targets through particle tracking and co-localisation with unprecedent resolution of < 5 nm. At the end I will discuss a different modes and opportunities for collaboration in using these tools and infrastructure by Australian partners.