Self-assembled Nanomaterials – Research Pitch-Seminar: Dr Derrick Roberts – School of Chemistry Self-assembled Nanomaterials – Research Pitch-Seminar: Dr Derrick Roberts – School of Chemistry

Self-assembled Nanomaterials – Research Pitch-Seminar: Dr Derrick Roberts

Tuesday, 16 March 1:00pm – 2:00pm

This seminar will be delivered via Zoom – Please email for zoom link and password.

Speaker: Dr Derrick Roberts

Abstract: The SAN theme will be hosting research pitch-seminars on a monthly basis, as part of our plan to increase collaboration within the theme (and more generally). Members of other themes in the School are welcome to attend. Each seminar will last approx. 1 hour, with one speaker per seminar. All student and postdoc members of the SAN theme are strongly encouraged to attend. Each group leader (member of the SAN theme) will deliver a talk of duration approx. 30 minutes, including 3 to 5 different research pitches. Each research pitch should be a research project that we are currently working on, or plan to work on in the future, for which we are seeking input, collaborators, or a new application. Each project should be briefly introduced with an exciting motivation and then described in sufficient detail to elicit questions and discussion following the pitches. The seminars will be delivered in person, but a zoom link will be posted for those who cannot make it. If you would like to get the zoom link, please contact the research support team: 


Mar 16 2021


1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

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