School Seminar: A/Professor Joanne Jamie. Macquarie University. “Empowering Indigenous Youth Through Science Leadership”
Friday, 14 February 2020 – 11:00 am in LT4, Level 2, School of Chemistry [Map]. (School seminar) A/Prof Joanne Jamie, Department of Molecular Sciences, Macquarie University, [Email:] Host: Dr Stephen George-Williams Abstract: “Can you help us help our youth?” This heartfelt request from Yaegl Aboriginal Elders to Macquarie University scientists in October 2004 led …
Special seminar: Dr William Brant – Developing electrochemical devices: From advanced in operando characterization to commercial scale-up
Speaker: Dr William Brant, Department of Chemistry, Uppsala University, Sweden Host: Associate Professor Siegbert Schmid [Map] Abstract: One of the foremost interests today is in the ability to monitor materials in real time during synthesis or operation. This is particularly true for materials in energy storage applications where subtle changes in the synthesis conditions can induce …
School seminar: Fit-for-purpose assessment for undergraduate chemistry in 2020: Should exams really still be part of the mix?
Speaker: Associate Professor Christopher Thompson, School of Chemistry, Monash University Host: Dr Reyne Pullen Abstract: The traditional approach for assessing undergraduate chemistry has been via a laboratory program with assessed reports and an end of semester exam, the latter constituting a large proportion of the final grade. Invariably, items such as online quizzes, written assignments, posters and …