Special seminar: Continuous flow chemistry for organic synthesis. From electrochemistry to peptide synthesis
Speaker: Dr Manuel Nuño, Vapourtec Ltd, Suffolk, United Kingdom Host: Professor Richard Payne [Map] Terpenes, such as valencene, are low cost, natural products which can modified into more added value compounds such as nootkatone, following conventional chemical routes involving heavy metals, such as chromium. Although electrochemistry was discovered more than two centuries ago, the limitations of …
Special seminar: From small molecules to enzymes and 2D materials: A computational chemistry journey into chemical reactivity
Speaker: Associate Professor Amir Karton, RACI PC lectureship, School of Chemistry, University of Western Australia Host: Emeritus Professor Leo Radom and Professor Peter Gill [Map] In 1998 John Pople and Walter Kohn shared the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the development of wave-function theory (WFT) and density-functional theory (DFT), respectively. In 2013 the Chemistry Nobel …
School seminar: Fit-for-purpose assessment for undergraduate chemistry in 2020: Should exams really still be part of the mix?
Speaker: Associate Professor Christopher Thompson, School of Chemistry, Monash University Host: Dr Reyne Pullen Abstract: The traditional approach for assessing undergraduate chemistry has been via a laboratory program with assessed reports and an end of semester exam, the latter constituting a large proportion of the final grade. Invariably, items such as online quizzes, written assignments, posters and …